Thursday, March 3, 2016

How We Got Our Baby Bruin: Part 2

"Seeing our growing baby on the 12-week ultrasound and hearing the heart beat were moments of such pure joy that I wanted the same for everyone else going through the process of fertility treatment or planning to have a baby.  Of course, in the world of infertility there are never any promises.  No one can ever be guaranteed a way to get pregnant because there are so many variables and unique challenges... But this book offers a plan to improve your odds, and in doing so, improve your overall health and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy."
                                                                  - Rebecca Fett (It Starts With the Egg)

As mentioned in "How We Got Our Baby 'Bruin': Part 1," I could not concur more with the statement aforementioned.  My experiences, my thoughts, my feelings, my gained knowledge, my faith, have led me to this blog post about what we did to support our fertility.  As Rebecca stated, nothing is promised and everyone's situation is different.  So, as you are reading this, please know that I know that what worked for me may not work for the next person.  My hope, if anything, is that my story can support you through yours or somebody that you know.  I continue to pray for the comfort, peace and patience of all of those who are on their own journey with hopes of a pregnancy. 

It has taken me SO LONG to post "Part 2," but time got away from me this fall between trying to finish things up at work, coaching field hockey and preparing our house for our baby girl.  Then baby girl arrived... and life with a newborn did not allow me the time to sit down for "Part 2."  I hope I am recalling all of the things I/we did in support of our fertility, big or small.  In Part 1, I discussed changes I made environmentally, including self-care products, cosmetics, and household cleaners.  In this post, you can expect to see things related to diet, medical interventions, alternative therapies, and FAITH.


I went gluten-free.  Even though I don't have an allergy, my online research of scholarly material and information gained from reading "It Starts With the Egg," suggested (with evidence) that for some people, gluten affects hormones/reproduction.   
"Gluten intolerance is not only related to unexplained infertility, but also to recurrent miscarriage, and Intolerance to gluten, often undiagnosed, contributes to nutrient malabsorption as those suffering from the intolerance do not readily absorb   micronutrients like iron, zinc and folic acid which are critical to reproduction."

I will say that I was about 95% strict to this leading up to pregnancy.  If there was something at a special event that was not gluten-free, I would have a small piece.  

At the time I thought I was going completely dairy-free, but now that I am nursing and doing the elimination diet due to our baby's GI symptoms, I have learned that what I thought was dairy-free, really wasn't completely dairy-free.  For the purposes of fertility, I switched to almond milk, and stopped eating the obvious items containing dairy (e.g. yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc.).  What I have since learned, is that the dairy protein is found in A LOT of items (e.g. cereals, crackers, etc.).  

"Soy worms its way into our diets in countless ways: as a filler, as a thickener, as an emulsifier, as a preservative and, ostensibly, as a feel-good health food.   Soy is a potent source of xenoestrogens, or plant hormones that can have a remarkably strong effect on the hormones within our body – including those very hormones that drive our fertility and reproductive function." (
Soy really is in EVERYTHING.  And although I wasn't completely strict to elimination of soy, I was extremely mindful.  When out to eat, I did not request soy-free items, but when shopping in the grocery store, I made sure to read labels.

When it comes to changes I made to my diet, I certainly was not as 100% strict to it as I have had to be for nursing, but I was much more mindful. Once I hit the second/third trimesters of pregnancy, I started to reintroduce foods with gluten, dairy and soy, but not the amount/frequency I would eat it before.  I continued to drink almond milk, and made sure that the dairy I consumed was organic (e.g. cheese, ice cream), except if I was out to eat. 

Along with the book "It Starts With the Egg," (I swear I'm not getting paid by Rebecca Fett) and information online, there is a lot of supportive research suggesting that the foods we eat impact our reproductive systems.  I always felt as thought I was a healthy eater, but didn't realize the impact of what I was really eating.   This site has some great information, and provides the sources from which the information was gathered.

We Prayed.


Fertility Massage: 
I searched high and low for a place that did fertility massage... and it was hard to come by.  One day while at the store Just Naturals (Bedford, NH) buying my household cleaning supplies, I asked if they knew anyone who did fertility massage.  They gave me the name of a woman, Jane, and stated that they weren't completely sure if she did it, but that she was brilliant.  Well, they were right.  It wasn't the most relaxing massage, but it was the massage that was done right before my cycle that I got pregnant.  She really was brilliant, and she was able to back with science why it works.  First, she wrapped my stomach in saran wrap and applied heat.  Then she massaged my stomach in a circular motion, and finished with cupping.  
***Important to note- this was done PRIOR to ovulation!

Staying warm: 
I constantly have cold hands and feet.  Clearly an issue with circulation, which is part of what the fertility massage addresses, and I had read the importance of blood flow for pregnancy.  Therefore, during the two week window, I made sure my hands and feet were always warm.  I would run them under warm water if they were not, wore gloves and extra socks, etc.  In addition, I only ate and drank warm foods and liquids.  Bring on the oatmeal, eggs, chili and caffeine-free tea!  I also drank warm water with lemon... I actually grew to like it!  I also added cinnamon to just about everything.
"Consider eating foods that support warmth. As progesterone levels rise, so does your temperature, as you can see in your BBT chart. A warm womb is an inviting womb. Think soups and stews, or adding some warming herbs to foods such as cayenne, ginger, cinnamon."

In addition to my prenatal vitamin, I took an extra folic acid and vitamin D. This was recommended by the massage therapist, and my Ob/Gyn agreed it would not hurt.

In the morning or at night, I would read affirmations.  Specifically, these: 

Once I knew I was pregnant, I would read the affirmations above, as well as the affirmation below:

Pregnancy Meditation: 
After ovulation, I tried to stay low and slow.  If I started feeling stressed or anxious, I would go straight to my room, close my eyes and listen to pregnancy meditations I found on youtube.  Some I did not like, so I would listen for a second and then continue to search until I found one that I could relate.

Circadian Rhythms: 
I made sure to stay in my circadian rhythms.  Staying in tune with circadian rhythms plays a role in hormones that are released.  I made sure I was in bed no later than 9:00 every night.  I even left a close friend's bachelorette party and wedding early.  I really am lucky to have such supportive friends :) .  I also made sure to be up by 6:30 every morning, which was typical for me anyway, so that wasn't too difficult to do. 
"recent research of the role of a healthy circadian rhythm and cyclical production of melatonin is proving to be critical for optimal female reproductive hormone function, menstrual cycle timing, ovarian function (including follicle function- both health and quality), as well as placental function."More info here

We prayed.


All medical interventions were prescribed and monitored by my OB/GYN.

HSG testing: done in January 2015- tubes were not blocked 

Genetic testing: completed December 2014- no genetic concerns

Clomid:  I was prescribed Clomid to take days 3-7 of my cycle.

HCG trigger: After the ultrasound confirmed that I had a mature egg, I was given the "ok" to administer the first of three HCG trigger shots, in order to release the egg.  I HATE needles, so I went into the office for the first shot, so that they could show me what to do and administer it for me.  Following ovulation, I was told to administer the following two shots.  Thankfully, Sean did the shots for me, because I can't stand to look at needles.  One shot was administered 2 days after ovulation, and the other was given 5 days after.  

This study looks at the success rates when HCG was adminstered after IUIs.  Interesting to think that it would help post ovulation as well:

Progesterone: I took progesterone in the morning and at night to help the fertilized egg "stick."  I stopped progesterone around the 14th week.

Baby Asprin: I took one baby asprin each day and stopped taking baby asprin around the 14th week.

When I stopped taking progesterone and asprin, I started to become a bit more anxious that I would lose the baby.  When this happened, I would take out my affirmations, do pregnancy yoga, pregnancy meditation, or pray.

We were followed on ultrasound at 4 weeks (gestational sac), 6 weeks (I will always remember when I saw that little heartbeat flickering on the screen), 8 and 12 weeks.  The entire time, the baby was measuring to be due November 26th, 2015.

We prayed.


A wonderful woman down the street gave me a St. Gerard prayer card and handkerchief when she heard of our fertility struggles at a cookie swap we had in December 2014.  I took that card out and I read it often.  I prayed every night to God and St. Gerard that we would be blessed with this baby.  I also brought the prayer card and handkerchief with me to every doctor's appointment.  Before going into each appointment I would read the card and it would set me at ease.  

My faith became so much stronger during this journey.  During my pregnancy, Sean and I would be at church and he would look over to me after communion and we would both chuckle a little, as I was often times fighting tears after I said my prayers.  On our walk to the parking lot he would ask me what I was crying about.  My response was always that I was so grateful and they were tears of happiness.  I was so grateful for the baby girl I was carrying, and I was so grateful for the wondrous works of God. I felt so blessed and it would always come to full head while at church Sunday mornings.  I can only imagine the amount of pride and joy I will feel in two Sundays, when Maddison Faith is baptized. 

So how did she get her name Maddison Faith?

I think the reasons for her middle name, Faith, are pretty obvious.  My growing relationship with God and my trust in His plan played a significant role in where we are today, but let me share more of what I believe to be His work.

In February, Sean's Godmother/aunt Margaret suddenly passed away.  I was unable to attend services with Sean, as it happened during February vacation for the schools and we were unable to find boarding for our dogs.  As I drove Sean down to Boston so that he could catch his flight to North Carolina for the services, it was pretty cloudy as a storm had just passed through.  North Carolina was experiencing winter weather as well, which as a result caused Sean's flight to get cancelled.  

Sean called me to tell me not to drive too far becuase he was unsure if he would be getting out.  I decided to pull off at the Burlington Mall, but didn't know exactly how to get there, and my GPS was being, well.. a GPS- sending me down weird roads.  I decided I needed to backtrack, because I could tell I was getting further from the mall.  I turned down a small street so that I could turn around and back track.  Once I turned around and got to the stop sign, to start my way back, I looked up and saw this: 

When I looked the other way, there were still some clouds in the sky.  But when I looked up at the street sign of the street I had turned around on, it was this.  Clearing skies and "Margaret St."  God put me in this place for a reason.  I posted this picture on facebook. My father-in-law messaged me saying that some people see "ST" and think "street," but when he sees it, he thinks "Saint."  

I then looked up Saint Margaret to see what she was the patron saint of, and what I found was remarkable.  Saint Margaret of Antioch is the patron saint of pregnant woman and childbirth.  She is celebrated July 20th.  Saint Margaret of Scottland is celebrated November 16th (my husband's birthday).  From that point on, in addition to my prayers to St. Gerard, I prayed (and still do pray) to St. Margaret.  Sean's Godmother and Aunt, passed away at the start of the cycle that we conceived Miss Maddison Faith.  Aunt Margaret is Maddison's angel in heaven.

That is where the "M" in Maddison comes from.  My oldest niece is also named Margaret :)

What about the "addison?"  Well... To make a long story short, Sean and I almost parted ways :( :( :(  Sean wasn't sure if he wanted children (I had no clue about this when we first started seeing eachother).  Luckily, he met and spent quite a bit of time with my niece, Allison.  When she first started talking, she refered to him as "La."  I think that completely stole his heart.  As time went on they quickly became "best friends."  When Sean told me he decided he wanted kids, he gave a lot of credit to his time with Allie.  She opened his eyes to all of the positives of having children.  So, we did not part ways.  Instead, we got engaged and then married :)

The night of our wedding my sister, our maid of honor, made a speech about how I always did the same things she did.  Met our husbands online, moved away from home to be with our men.  We are both SLPs, etc. etc.  My sister then stated something along the lines of, if I continue to follow her footsteps, we should have a baby in the next couple of years.

My sister and her husband were married in October 2007.  They waited a bit to start trying for a baby.  Then they started trying and in March found out they were pregnant.  That was about 18 months after getting married.  Sean and I started trying July 2013, had 3 losses, and found out we were pregnant March 2015.  On every ultrasound, our baby's due date was November 26th.  November 26th is Allison's birthday.  Dana and Kevin found out July 6th, 2009 they were having a girl.  We found out July 6th, 2015 we were having a girl.  

So- we took the names of two very important people in our lives.  We took Allison and made it Addison.  We then took "M" from Margaret and put it at the beginning for Maddison.  That is why our Maddison has two "d"s.  Take Maddison and add Faith = Maddison Faith.

For all that I did to support our pregnancy, I really feel it was our time.  The big guy above has a plan and purpose for all of us.  I trusted in his plan and He delivered.  

This was a lengthy post and I hope it didn't scare anyone away!  I am hoping to post more in the future about this little journey called "motherhood."

P.S. Kind of crazy- my first blog was February 19th, 2015.  My second was March 1st, 2015.  Maybe I should have added "blogging" to the list of things I did.  The start of my blog was just before the cycle we conceived our little miracle!

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